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Living in the mountains comes with many perks: stunning views, being at one with nature, plenty of beautiful hiking routes. The one down side? The weather up there can be extreme – think heavy rain, blustering winds, intense UV levels, snow and frost.
Timber's natural beauty disappears after months of battling the elements. When your timber cladding starts looking tired, it is the right time to protect and restore it to its natural beauty.
If you need to protect your grey and tired-looking cladding, but don’t know where to start, here are the four key things you need to know to get the ball rolling…

It’s a straightforward process
Despite the larger surface area, the process of protecting your cladding is quite straightforward.
If it is a new timber with natural oils and extractives and / or milling glaze on the surface, then prepare the surface as described below so that it accepts the timber stain of your choice.
Ensure that the timber surface is clean and free from dirt, dust and any other surface contaminants. Sand dense hardwood using 60-80 grit sandpaper, for softwood sand using 100-120 grit sandpaper.
Wet the timber and apply Sikkens Cetol® BL Deck & Wood Cleaner to clean the timber in just 20 minutes. Rinse thoroughly after use. Allow the timber to dry completely.
If the timber was never coated and left to weather or previously treated with a timber stain but then weathered thoroughly and now uniformly grey on the surface, then the best preparation method is as follows.
Ensure that the timber surface is clean and free from dirt, dust and any other surface contaminants. Wet the timber and apply Sikkens Cetol® BL Deck & Wood Cleaner to clean and revive the timber in just 20 minutes. Rinse thoroughly after use. Allow the timber to dry completely.
For a smooth finish, optionally, lightly sand the timber with 120 - 150 grit sandpaper and dust down ensuring a clean surface.
If the timber surface is covered with a paint or varnish product, or a timber stain that has started flaking, then it is best to strip the existing finish and treat as new timber.
If the timber surface is covered with a timber stain that is intact but looking tired and dull, then stripping is not required. Simply follow the steps below.
Clean the timber using a stiff bristle brush or scour pad, water and a mild detergent. Rinse thoroughly and allow timber to dry. Lightly sand the timber with 120-150 grit sandpaper and dust down ensuring a clean surface.

Before coating the timber:
Mask any areas that you do not want to be painted.
Once the timber is thoroughly dry and ready for the first coat, fill any large holes with Nordsjo Professional Flexible Wood Filler or a similar product in the right colour, then sand the repair down for an even surface.
Repairing holes is also possible after the first coat.

It can be a quick job.
The time you need will depend on the surface area, the timber’s condition, and the type of product you use. For a general guide on how much time is needed, working with quick-drying water-based products 1 – 2 days should be enough. For oil-based products you should allow 3 - 4 days for your project.
On day one, spend a few hours preparing the wood (e.g. cleaning and sanding).
On day two, repair any holes and cracks apply your first coat of the chosen product. If you are in a hurry, we recommend Sikkens Cetol BLX-Pro, which is water-based and can be recoated in as little as 2 hours. It means all 3 coats can be applied in one day.
If you are looking for an oil-rich finish with deeper and sharper colours, then we recommend Sikkens Cetol HLSe, which is an oil-based product offering better translucency. With this product, you will need to allow 24 hrs between coats.

You just need one product
All you need is a wood stain that will give you a durable, quality finish, protecting the wood from harsh weather conditions.
A product such as Sikkens Cetol BLX-Pro wood stain offers all the protection your wood needs from harsh weather conditions, but also require minimal application effort and dry within an hour. It’s a basecoat, preserver and topcoat in one, so you cut out a whole bunch of steps, and it gives the wood a smooth, even finish that won’t crack or peel.

The results are worth it
Your house will look beautiful again. It’s definitely worth the time and effort because now the natural beauty of the timber cladding is restored and you can enjoy the lovely summer days ahead. Plus, it’s reassuring to know that the timber is protected for the cold and wet weather seasons at the same time.
Your cladding refresh checklist
☑️ Set aside three days to do the job comfortably
☑️ Buy a premium stain that protects the wood from harsh weather damage
☑️ Do the work: clean, sand and apply three coats of paint (i.e. wood stain)
☑️ Relax and enjoy the results

Want more help with refreshing your faded, worn out cladding? Check out our Pick A Product article to understand more about what products you need. Also, get color inspiration with our Find Your Color guide on ways to transform your cladding. Remember! You can always head to your local store for a colour card or 100ml sample pots. To test a colour on your timber, we recommend you apply it in an obscure area in two or three coats and view at different times of the day.
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